Spiced Nutty Butternut Squash

Spiced Nutty Butternut Squash

Butternut squash is in the Cucurbita moschata family.  Acorn, buttercup, carnival, delicata, hubbard, spaghetti, and pumpkin are also in the family.  They are called winter squash because, planted in summer and harvested in autumn, they are available...
Forage for Ramps, Wild Leeks, and Chives

Forage for Ramps, Wild Leeks, and Chives

 Ramps growing in the forest In Northern Ohio and many other places, April and early May is the time to go out into the woods and forage for Ramps, also known as wild leeks. Walk 10 feet into any deciduous forest during this time and you are very likely to see these...
Mint Smoothies

Mint Smoothies

Smoothies are all about health, nutrition, and feeling good. For many, it’s a no-brainer to incorporate herbs into their smoothie for flavor and functionality. While in past centuries herbs were a common feature of medical texts, such has not been the case here in the...
How to Brew Dandelion Coffee

How to Brew Dandelion Coffee

Part of our Backyard Farming / Urban Homesteading operation consists of growing dandelions and harvesting them to make roasted dandelion coffee. The roasted roots can be ground after roasting and put into jars or tea bags and sold online or at Farmers Markets. It...
Harvesting and Preserving Your Smoothie Garden

Harvesting and Preserving Your Smoothie Garden

In a previous post, I wrote about vertical gardening, an artful option for growing smoothies. That got me thinking of how to capture the garden’s abundance for the dark months ahead. Freezing is an ideal way to do that. The Old Farmer’s Almanac says that produce kept...