DIY Aquarium Filter from Pond or Fountain Pump

DIY Aquarium Filter from Pond or Fountain Pump

In maintaining a 40 gallon aquarium, I find it maddening to have to keep buying filter packets for the standard aquarium filter that hangs on the back of the tank. The filter pads need to be changed every couple of weeks and not only is this wasteful, but it is...
Cut your Trash by 85% or More Using Our Method

Cut your Trash by 85% or More Using Our Method

I recently called my local trash / garbage pick-up company and told them to cancel my service. They asked if I was moving or found a better rate through their competitor. I replied that I no longer generate any trash! I don’t think they believed me. The truth...
What is Backyard Farming

What is Backyard Farming

Backyard Farming sounds crazy at first. Urban Farming or Urban Homesteading does not sound much better. We don’t want to be these people: It’s SO Tedious Yet, more and more people are beginning to see that there is a real benefit to growing our own food...
Homemade Dog Shampoo: Luxurious Cheap and Easy

Homemade Dog Shampoo: Luxurious Cheap and Easy

In this article, we will make a really luxurious homemade dog shampoo. Using some simple ingredients, one can craft a very high quality dog shampoo that smells wonderful, cleans effectively, and moisturizes your dog to cut down on itching. You will want to use it on...